Friday, December 20, 2013

My Mom's House, her Tragedy brought The Spirit of Christmas back to me

If you were wondering what is happening and why you haven't see new post these is the one of the reasons. 
Tuesday morning I got a phone call from my mom, telling me that she was ok and no need to worry that she was ok, but her house got on fire and everything that she own was gone :( . Stopping what I was doing got my kids ready and running  throw the door I went to meet my mom, finding my mom we both started crying, everything was lost pictures, cloth, sofa everything was gone, sad to see what once was a home turn into smoke, or dust... Everything was gone, but I still have my mom and I'm thankful that she is ok , fireman, Red Cross friends and family are been so nice to us, is sad to say but before this happened I was telling my husband that I have lost the spirit of Christmas , Christmas is my favorite holiday and no because of the gift is because is a magical time to give, to remember the Savior, to take a special time to do things with your families and friends , to try harder to serve and gift, but for some reason this Christmas I lost it in between "been busy"and Christmas shopping , but what happen to my mom help me remember that material things can be gone like smoke, just like that, and my testimony about our Savior has grow, I believe that he love everyone of us and he wants us to find happiness in this life, but things can happen to anybody and is always a reason why , we just need to have faith and hope for a better tomorrow. I hope you have find the true Spirit of Christmas in your home, and if not is never too late to start. My wish for you that you have a Merry Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

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